Echoes From Eureka's Past Vol II (1993)

Ira W. Langston
a friend to Eureka College:

Director of Public Relations, 1936-1939
President, 1954-1977
President Emeritus, 1993-Present”






Migrating to Walnut Grove
"Hope You Boys Like Oatmeal"
        --The Story of Harry Otis Prichard
The Eureka "Dutch"
Stephen Bennett Binkley: A "Real Gem" in E.C.’s Crown
Melick Library: The Dream, The Future, The Reality
Fulfilling a Mission: The Construction of Reagan Center
The Symbol and Spirit of Eureka College and the Athletes:
       Eureka College Mascots
First Flight of the Pegasus
Delta Zeta Sorority--Pi Chapter 1917-1992
The History of Women's Athletics at Eureka College
Maintaining the Tradition of Academic Excellence:
       Eureka College Academic Honors Program
A New Tradition of Excellence at Eureka College

  Out of print.  Copies available at Melick Library, Eureka, IL; Eureka High School Library, Eureka, IL; Eureka Public Library, Eureka, IL; and Woodford County Historical Society, Eureka, IL